2024 Corporate Festive Gifting Starts Here
Just when you think it's too early to get your thinking-Santa-hat on, you're wrong. The corporate Christmas crazy starts now!
2024 Corporate Festive Gifting Starts Here

When it comes to the festive season, it can be hard enough buying for those you know better than yourself. So for the working world it's a whole other ball game with the blind leading the blind..until now.
From years in the 'biz it's safe to say we know what works and what doesn't when it comes to corporate gifting and Christmas/end of year tends to be the pinnacle of it all. Forget the box of chocolates, forget the blanket gift card – it's time to add personability, pizazz and thought into your gifting. Get started with these fast four tips!

1/ Team by Team
A corporate structure exists for a reason – for organisation, delegation, and management. How is one person at the top of the food chain meant to know the ins and outs of each and every employee? This is when your managers and team leaders step in. They know their teams best, so work collaboratively with them this season.
Garner insights into what they want, need and desire for both in and out of work life. A little anonymous survey is a great way to get the ball rolling!
2/ Think of the big picture
What's going to make your team thrive in the every-day? Is it a voucher for the local coffee shop so they have a daily cuppa sorted for the next six months? Or is it something they will wear out, not throw out.. like Skull Candy headphones or AS Colour travel duffle? These sorts of 'out of the box' products are winners – not just for the morale of your people, but your brand too.
3/ Get Personal
Make sure your people know they're not 'another number' and give the gift of adding to their out-of-work lives. Yep, you know that old 'work-life-balance' thing? What we're saying is, support their down-time with unique gifts that will continue providing the good times summer long. From beach towels, wine glasses, picnic rugs, pet accessories and cheese boards, encourage some leisure time. Add your logo and they'll always be reminded your brand has their back.
4/ It's the Little Things!
Gifting doesn't have to be full of big things and bravado - sometimes, it's the little things that can mean the most. As the saying goes: it's not the size that matters. Don't discount adding a few smaller items together to pack one big punch – this is where we come in. Design a merch pack to suit their style and your budget. Simply fill out this little form and let our Mercha elves do the rest. One thing we can guarantee: it'll mean big things for them and the brand.
While we're only in September, the time is nigh to sleigh the corporate crazy festive season. If you stick by the above four tips, it'll be your best season yet! And.. if you need a little reminding.. it matters!