2024 Events & Conferences Need to Level Up? Start Here
We're certainly in a 2024 state of mind with all focus on elevating the ordinary.
Nailing a corporate conference or event all comes down to preparation – that, should be no news – but what else should be a non-negotiable? The partnerships and opportunities, and those need to start now!
With that, we'd like to invite you to submit your event or conference for potential sponsorship, partnership and collaboration opportunities with us! Whether it's just a concept at the moment, or cemented in your calendar, we want to hear about it and discuss with you how we can support its success.
To submit, email the details to hello@mercha.com.au with how you envision we can collaborate. From there, we'll be in touch!
In the meantime to get the ball rolling, check-out our complete conference checklist to ensure you don't miss a beat, here and start thinking how your event could benefit from branded merch – notebooks, lanyards, custom tee's and water bottles are just the beginning!
See you on the other side!