5 Corporate Gift Ideas for Large Teams & Customers That Won't Break The Bank
Let’s cut to the chase here – we get it – buying end of year corporate gifts for large teams is almost ‘too hard basket’, which usually leads to gift vouchers, wine and chocolate right? Well now it’s time to change it up, leave the boring behind and welcome the ‘wow’ so teams, clients and employees alike will truly feel special this festive season!
It’s time for your work pals to be the envy of their friends at gatherings for months to come with cool, thoughtful – and importantly – company branded corporate gifts that will keep on giving long after the end of year party. But, how do you do that without blowing the budget and spending a fortune on freight? We’re glad you were about to ask (call us psychic).
To make things extra easy and extraordinary, we’ve rallied up our top five product and pack suggestions for large teams for this end of year and Christmas season. Without further adieu, discover these 5 Corporate Gift Ideas for Large Teams & Customers That Won't Break The Bank.
1// ‘Who Touched My Lunch?’
The age old question echoed through offices far and wide now has a face to it! This combo pack featuring the glass screw-top water bottle and eco double decker lunch box is both stylish, sustainable and superior to the usual fridge frenzy. No one would dare touch such calibre of lunching accessories, every sandwich, apple, homemade banana muffin and more will be in safe, safe quarters.
$20.84 + GST & freight each / 250 quantity.
2// Just a Bloody Good Umbrella
Someone somewhere is always needing to stand under an umbrella-ella-ella (we can thank Rhianna for that). With Australia’s climate you’re often caught out, misguided by the burning sun that can be shaded by cumulus clouds in an instant. It’s times like these we often whisper to ourselves “I just need a bloody good umbrella”. We’ve heard these pavement whispers so much so, we’ve discovered many bloody good umbrellas we now proudly have in our repertoire including the Umbra Gusto Umbrella. Wind resistant and wide with a fibreglass handle, the elements have no hope.
$21.17 + GST & freight each / 250 quantity.
3// Christmas Party in the Sun
What does a cap, sunscreen, key ring, and beer cooler all have in common? A Christmas party in the sun! Picture this – it’s a belter day with the sun shining, Christmas hols on the horizon, a snag sizzling on old mate Barry’s BBQ (that he’s way too proud of might we add), the beers are on ice and the cricket on the radio – bliss, right? This is what Australian summers are about and all that’s missing is your brand front and centre! Be the bell of the barbie and add your logo before going loco.

4// Little RnR
Encourage some work-life balance with a bit of ‘RnR’ this end of year season! From the beach to the bay, grassy knolls and picnics alike, this pack will be the summer MVP for anyone out and about. The Premium Beach Tote is an essential on any day and paired with a picnic blanket, this dynamic duo is ready to max relax. Always the unsung heroes, these two key products will save the day time and time again with your brand along for the ride.

5// The Do-ers
When you’re on the grind, on the road or on the hammer, sometimes you just have to do it which is why we’ve designed this mini pack for exactly that, aptly calling out ‘the do-ers’. Ideal for those who are always on the move, these daily essentials can do no wrong. The insulated thermal Elite Mug is a year-round friend with a no-spill lid. Pair it up with the UltiMate Cooler and you’re on track for a stellar day on the tools and in the office. Just watch out for the rest of the family or housemates pinching the goods when you’re not looking!
$29.22 + GST & freight each / 250 quantity.
More ideas? We’ve got ‘em! From eco products to personal gifts and everything in between check-out our latest blogs (including Christmas shipping cut off dates!).