Ben's Best: His Must-Have Products No Longer A Secret!
He's our American boy livin' his best life in Australia's most iconic city. As co-founder of Mercha and Chief Operations Officer you could imagine it would be hard to nail Ben down for some time... well, not only did we do that, but we also managed to get him to spill the beans, finally choosing his favourite child.
Okay, not his actual child, but it was just as tough for Ben Read to select just five of his favourite Mercha products for this week's blog. As co-founder, Ben has had the power to literally pick and choose what products we wheel and deal, therefore naturally, he loves them all. So, to say these following five truly pack a punch, we meant it.
Ben has been in Australia for years with his family right by his side, living it up in sunny Sydney, with an impressive resume leading global companies through a range of their management teams (we're talking Visa and Citibank just to give you an idea). Yet, it's his passion for the environment and doing e-commerce differently that really sets him apart. Ben's all about going green and ensuring tech and product-based companies are doing their bit to make the 'norm' more green, with an emphasis on combating excess waste and an overabundance of choice by collaborating with selected eco-aware brands.
But enough on inflating his ego.. let's get to it!
1// Just like his counter-part, Ben's first cab off the rank is the umbrella – to be specific – the Company Branded Blunt Umbrella, stating "I hate things that fail under normal use and most umbrellas are made to fail at the slightest breath of wind! Blunt Umbrellas are made by Kiwis for Kiwi weather. They're un-killable and they look great!". We couldn't have said it better ourselves.
2// A Read family favourite, the CamelBak Eddy 750ml Bottle is certainly an essential in Ben's household. The kids use them for school while Ben and his wife don't go anywhere without one. And yes, of course they're Mercha branded!
3// Ben is a perfectionist and we're not just talking about work. When it comes to caps and hats, Ben's 'golden slipper' moment came about when he discovered the Atlantis Beat Cap which he says is his perfect fit – the size, shape, material, weight and contour. So much so, they're now part of the Mercha teams kits, too.
4// We can't be shocked with this one! They're a fave across the board for all the right reasons.. the AS Colour Staple Organic Tee. "It’s hard to go past a great fitting tee shirt and the Staple tee is, well, the staple shape, weight and fit for most people. But it’s the quality of these tees that I love the most. No matter how many times you wash them, they will not warp, curl or fade (within reason). If we brand them for you, rest assured your print will remain robust and vibrant for years to come" says Ben.
5// Last yet certainly not least (and again on par with Sam), it's all about the Bellroy Tech Kit. Ben is a big Bellroy fan due to their craftsmanship and simply designed product range so it's no wonder this made his cut, saying, "I don’t go anywhere without my Tech Kit - it masters the madness of the wires, plugs, pods, etc. I carry around for work". Amen to that, Benny Boy.
Did you catch our CRO's go-to products? Check out Sam's top five here.